Sa Foradada
May 20, 2021
el txoko de martin
May 20, 2021

Top-5 Heleicopter Training

While you read these few words, you will be wondering what it is like to fly a light helicopter, imagining yourself at the controls. It is a unique and fantastic experience but explanations come nowhere close to the experience itself - it is simply something you just have to try. A word of caution - prepare to become addicted. When you arrive at the main gates of Son Bonet Aerodrome, Balearic Helicopters is easy to find, but should you need directions security will be more than happy to assist you. You will be welcomed and introduced to your instructor in whose expert hands you will be for the next hour or so. You will see for yourself the size of the aircraft and how civilised it is. Most people have preconceived ideas of what to expect, so you may be surprised to see comfortable seats, carpets and a heater. Comfort in fact, not unlike your car. Your instructor will describe to you how the aircraft flies, how the drive system works and he will explain the function of the flying controls. When you are ready, he will escort you to your helicopter, see you are sitting relaxed, show you how to hold the controls comfortably and explain the interior layout of instruments and switches. It may be that you are apprehensive and not sure that you want to fly the machine. No matter, your instructor will be quite happy to fly you around and show you the sights, so you can simply enjoy the unique experience of flying in a light helicopter.

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